Press Q.D.C

SY Type Clamp

  • Generally used in press mainly when the slide area and a mold are small.
  • Use T-groove to easily change a mold.
  • Mold shall have U-groove.
  • Use a horseshoe block to adjust the clamping height of a non-standard mold.
  • Customization is available for the specific conditions of mold and press.

LY Type Clamp

  • There are two LY type clamps: movable with T-groove bolt, and fixed with bolster.
  • As the cylinder part is separate from the lever part, an equal force is applied to T-groove. The grooves are evenly worn down, with an allowable tolerance in clamping.
  • Usable for the mold that has no U-groove.
  • The pressure is primarily increased from the operating pressure in proportion to the cylinder area, and secondarily by the lever.

Guide Roller

  • Install a guide roller in front of a mold to facilitate the change of the mold in a press. The type varies depending on the weight of a mold.
  • Easily install to move heavy objects, as well as molds. Detachable, foldable and fixed guide rollers are available.
  • CBC type is vertically foldable and detachable, which gives a larger workspace.
  • Special bushing type roller has a remarkable durability and a high resistance to shock.
  • The attached stopper prevents a mold from dropping to ensure a safe input/output of a mold.
  • Commonly used for light and medium load.

Power Lock unit

  • Q.M.C/Q.D.C SYTEM에 별도의 유압원으로 사용
  • 유압펌프와 에어 파일럿 조작식 방향제어밸로 구성

Control Box

  • Compared to the existing older Control box, new model become smaller.
  • Seeking the safety during clamping / unclamping process by means of manipulation of buttons with both hands.
  • Movable device by the attachment/ detachment of Control box.
  • Simple maintenance and repair of Control box.
  • Securing safety by using DC24V of power supply.